Development of King Abdul Aziz Endowment for Two Holy Mosques in Makkah
Stage 1 : Central Podium Systems
Customer Name :
Dar Al-handasah Consultants
Tasks :
Vibration Monitoring System for Tower H.
Displacement Measuring System Using GPS & Satellite for Tower H.
Wind Speed Measurements on Structure for Tower H.
Strain & Stress Monitoring System for Tower H using Embedment Vibrating Wire Strain Gauge.
Tilting Measuring System for Tower F.
Level Measuring System for Tower F.

The King Abdul Aziz Endowment project, which is considered one of the distinctive architectural marks in the 21st century, is the largest concrete project in the world and is implemented by the Saudi Bin Laden Group. Selecting the United Group Company as a company specialized in these systems to do this task The company has implemented the entire phase and the company has been following for four years following the systems after the end of the stage.