Structural monitoring process for the construction of the martyr Ahmed Hamdi Tunnel 2 project
Stage 1
Customer Name :
Engineering Authority of the Armed Forces.
Tasks :
Monitoring the impact of the drilling machine on the surrounding buildings and monitoring the soil movements above the tunnel path using four inclinometers and two extensometers at 30 m depth.
Stage 2
Customer Name :
Engineering Authority of the Armed Forces.
Tasks :
Structural safety monitoring of concrete walls of escaping shaft hole using three inclinometers at 60 m depth and follow it-up for a year.
Stage 3
Customer Name :
Engineering Authority of the Armed Forces.
Tasks :
Structural safety monitoring of diphram walls exit shaft using ten inclinometers and follow it-up throughout the implementation period.

UG is a sub-contractor of the main contractors (Petrojet & Concord) of the project.